Amy Seeley is available to meet with you privately to help you with your writing and acting.
Get one-on-one assistance with your writing, editing, monologues, sketches, and jokes. Amy will meet with you privately and help you tighten your script, sketch, play or screenplay. Your writing will be sharper and more defined. Your script will be more focused. You’ll receive specific feedback and the opportunity to ask questions of a sought-after writing teacher.
Get extra prepared for your upcoming auditions. Be the actor that brings that “certain something” to the casting session. Amy will help you dissect the copy, find your strongest choices, and direct you toward your most focused audition experience. You’ll have the opportunity for “do-overs” and immediate feedback. You can’t control the audition but you can control how you behave in the audition.
Locations for private coaching sessions are determined on a case-by-case basis.
For rates, more info or to schedule a session, CONTACT AMY NOW.